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Combating corruption and promoting accountability and transparency in the public sector

CGP commonly works with a variety of local government institutions. To be most effective, it is critical that these institutions operate in as transparent and accountable a manner as possible. In accordance with international initiatives, such as the Open Government Partnership, CGP strives to combat corruption and promote accountability and transparency in the public sector. The goal of CGP’s anti-corruption and public integrity work is to contribute to host countries’ efforts to develop legal frameworks, institutions, and capacity to prevent and sanction corruption; to encourage public integrity; and to foster accountability, transparency, and public participation. CGP employs a broad definition of corruption as the breach of a public duty for private gain, and CGP’s past programming on anti-corruption has had an emphasis on sustainability, through the development of legal frameworks, institutions, and capacity building to prevent and sanction corrupt behavior—allowing local partners to support themselves after grant period is over.

Subareas include:

  • Government Ethics
  • UNCAC Compliance
  • Transparency
  • Anti-bribery
  • Open Governance
  • Prosecution of Corruption

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