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The ABA Business Law Section Legal Opinions Committee and the TriBar Opinion Committee have issued influential reports that have shaped opinion practice for over two decades. In recent years the Federal Securities Law Opinions Subcommittee of the Section's Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities has begun issuing authoritative reports, and other Section committees may issue reports in the future of interest to the practice. Law firms and law departments are encouraged to link their internal websites permanently to this resource.

Multi-Bar Group Reports

ABA Business Law Section Reports

A. Legal Opinions Generally

B. Securities Law Opinions

C. Survey Reports

TriBar Opinion Committee Reports

Cross Border Opinions

State and Other Opinion Reports

Over the years, various state and local bar organizations have issued reports on legal opinions. Below are links to certain recent reports, as a research aid to those engaged in opinion practice. In establishing these links, the Legal Opinions Committee does not represent that these are all reports that exist, is not undertaking to update these links as reports are modified or re-issued, and does not necessarily endorse the content of these reports.

Other Publications and Articles of Interest

ABA Audit Responses Materials

Archived Reports