10-Year Anniversary of the Grit and Growth Mindset Project: Summit for Law Firm and In-House Leaders
September 10, 2024 | Morrison Foerster New York Offices
Sponsorship Opportunities & Event Details
September 10, 2024 | Morrison Foerster New York Offices
Sponsorship Opportunities & Event Details
The ERA is now more important—and more urgent—than ever before,” said Karol Corbin Walker, chair of the ABA’s Commission on Women in the Profession. -- Ms Magazine, 8/15/2024
On Aug. 6, 2024, the ABA's House of Delegates adopted a resolution declaring the Equal Rights Amendment fully ratified as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The ABA resolution urged full ERA implementation by the legal community and all federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments.
ABA updates policy with focus on renewing ERA effort
August 6, 2024, ABA Annual Meeting - Resolution 601 urges federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to support implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) to the United States Constitution (“Constitution”), in accordance with Article V of the Constitution; and urges all bar associations and the legal community as a whole to support implementation of the ERA.
Resolution 601 Adopted
It’s past time to flip the narrative. This essential and timely report reveals the prevalence and impact of parenting and child caregiving on legal professionals.
how and why the everyday work experiences of women lawyers with children differ from men with children.
The ABA Commission on Women in the Profession collaborated with the National Native American Bar Association on this new report.
Programs and Resources for Native American Women Attorneys
The Commission on Women in the Profession comprises of twelve members appointed by the ABA President. Its mission is to secure the full and equal participation of women in the ABA, the legal profession, and the justice system.
Get a fresh, innovative angle on the issues that are important and relevant to women in the legal profession by subscribing to Perspectives, the magazine for and about women lawyers. ABA women members can receive Perspectives in an electronic format at no additional cost.
Learn - MoreThe Commission on Women in the Profession appreciates your donations to continue our valuable work. When you give to the Fund for Justice and Education, you can designate the Commission as your preferred recipient group. We thank you in advance!
As the voice of the legal community, the ABA offers career-building opportunities, advocates for the profession and promotes the rule of law world wide.
The Commission welcomes your feedback. Please get in touch to learn more about our programs.
Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence
Center for Human Rights
Center for Professional Responsibility
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Center
Center for Bar Leadership
Join us for “America’s 250th Anniversary and the Contributions of Women: Past, Present and Future” featuring Rosie Rios, chair of America 250 and former Treasurer of the United States, and Frédérique Irwin, President and CEO, National Women’s History Museum.