GPSolo sponsors a variety of initiatives aimed at the solo and small firm practitioner.
Awards and Initiatives
GPSolo offers career development, leadership, and volunteer activities to serve the legal community.
Difference Makers
The Difference Makers Awards recognize extraordinary individuals who “make a difference” by breaking down barriers, through community service, pro bono work, or service to the profession. Applicants are encouraged to be members of the ABA and GPSolo.
Solo and Small Firm Awards
The Small and Firm Awards celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of outstanding solo and small firm practitioners, as well as bar leaders and bar associations.
Activate Diversity Series
GPSolo's Diversity Board is proud to present a special program series dedicated to diversity. You can attend the live webinars (for free!) or watch the recorded program at your convenience.
GPSolo Mentoring Program
The GPSolo Mentoring Program provides a unique opportunity to connect with others in the Division. There are no requirements to sign up as a mentor or as a mentee - and you can sign up for both! This program is perfect for law students, young lawyers, new lawyers, new GPSolo members, established members, and everyone in between. Establish a mentoring relationship today!
Women's Initiative Network
Women’s Initiative Network (WIN) advances, promotes and educates members of the Division about issues facing women in the legal profession. WIN fosters an environment of support by creating networking opportunities, mentoring relationships and educational programming.
Pro Bono and Public Service
The GPSolo Division offers opportunities to give back to your community and the profession. Members are encouraged to participate in pro bono and public service opportunities.
Diversity Fellowship Program
Aims to promote diversity within the Division and the ABA, while providing leadership opportunities within the Division for historically underrepresented groups, including racial and ethnic minorities, women, LGBT individuals, and persons with disabilities.
Young Lawyers Fellowship Program
Provides young lawyers the opportunity to become actively and integrally involved in the Division’s meetings and committees through training and mentorship.
SoloSez® is the internet discussion forum for solo and small firm lawyers. As the ABA's most active email discussion list, SoloSez® features hundreds of solo and small firm e-mail subscribers discussing everything from tech tips and legal opinions to what to wear to court.
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