The Policy and Planning Division staffs the Board of Governors, the House of Delegates and the Secretary of the Association. We are committed to providing the highest quality service and information concerning policy and governance issues to the leadership, membership and staff of the Association.
March 26, 2024
Policy and Planning Division
Janae LeFlore, Chief Governance Officer
[email protected]; (312) 988-5157
Oversees all aspects of the Division and is responsible for the management of the activities of the Board of Governors and its committees, the House of Delegates and its Committees, as well as the Committee on Rules and Calendar. Administers the Association's Blanket Authority Policy; publication of Annual Reports, and record retention activities. Works with the Secretary of the Association and the Chair of the House of Delegates.
Janae LeFlore, Chief Governance Officer
[email protected]; (312) 988-5157
Carri Kerber, Associate Director
[email protected]; (312) 988-5161
Staff liaison for the Board of Governors Member Services Committee, including preparing agendas, writing minutes and other summary reports. Maintains the Board’s policy records and provides research on policy issues. Produces the ABA Policy and Procedures Handbook (Greenbook). Staff liaison to the Committee on Scope and Correlation of Work (SCOPE). Also supports the Board of Elections and the Board of Governors. Also provides staff support for the House of Delegates Resolution and Impact Review Committee.
Christopher Corbett, Manager
[email protected]; (312) 988-5618
Staff liaison for the Board of Governors Profession, Public Service and Diversity Committee (PPSD), including preparing agendas, writing minutes, and other summary reports and co-sponsorship requests. Provides additional staff support for the House of Delegates Committee on Issues of Concern to the Legal Profession, Nominating Committee, Steering Committee of the Nominating Committee, Select Committee, and the Conference of State Delegates.
Shirley Myles, Office Administrator
[email protected]; (312) 988-5169
Primary administrative support within the Division. Maintains Board of Governors listserv lists and general correspondence. Provides meeting planning activities for the Division and manages the set-up of the executive office at Board Meetings and at Midyear and Annual Meetings. Monitors activity, budgets and other financial reports. Processes reimbursement requests for members the Board. Responsible for the collection, storage, protection, maintenance and retrieval of records in the central files, which houses all official ABA policy records. Responsible for collecting and preparing information for the ABA Archiving Reports.
Janae LeFlore, Chief Governance Officer
[email protected]; (312) 988-5157
Adrienne Barney, Manager
[email protected]; (312) 988-5230
Staff liaison to the House of Delegates Committee on Drafting Policies and Procedures, Credentials and Admissions Committee, Technology and Communications Committee. Verifies certifications and credentials for members of the House of Delegates. Administers the State Delegate and the Delegate-At-Large elections. Staff liaison for the Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. Additional responsibilities include publication of the ABA Leadership Directory ("Redbook").
Sierra Nicole Smith, Office Administrator
[email protected]; (312) 988-5774
Provides administrative support for the Chair of the House of Delegates and the Committee on Rules and Calendar. Prepares agenda material and maintains House listserv lists and general correspondence. Compiles and produces Resolutions with Reports. Processes reimbursement requests for members the House of Delegates. Maintains the Division's House of Delegates and Board of Governors webpages.
Research & Archiving/Records Retention & Storage
Shirley Myles
[email protected]; (312) 988-5169
Collects, stores, protects, maintains and retrieves records of all official ABA policy records. Maintains and administers the Association’s inactive records program.