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Center on Children and the Law

The Center promotes access to justice for children, parents, and families. Our team of attorneys and core staff work on a diverse portfolio of national, regional and local projects in the children’s law field throughout the country. Center projects are unified by two complementary goals: improving legal representation and improving the legal systems that impact children and families.

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Check out the ABA Center on Children and the Law’s Spring and Summer internship opportunities

The ABA Center on Children and the Law is currently seeking interns for spring and summer 2025. We accept applications on a rolling basis, but we will begin interviewing in early January so applications received before that point will be prioritized.

Center News

Judicial, Court, and Attorney Measures of Performance (JCAMP)

In 2021, the Children’s Bureau funded the Capacity Building Center for Courts (CBCC) to develop a set of child welfare court, judicial, and attorney performance measures to help the field understand and improve child welfare court practice.

Court Improvement Program (CIP) Talks

CIP Talks are short video speeches by leading legal and child welfare experts highlighting how the legal community can work with partners to better serve vulnerable families and improve child welfare outcomes. The CIP Talks were produced by the Capacity Building Center for Courts in collaboration with the Children's Bureau.

Family First Act Resources and Tools

Access our resources on implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act.

Legal Representation Infographic

Our 2-page infographic explains the importance of high-quality legal representation for children, parents, and child welfare agencies in child welfare proceedings.

Download - Infographic

Project Areas

Center projects focus on strengthening courts, legal representation, and state and local systems. Topics include child welfare and intersecting issues: permanency, education, immigration, kin and relative care, and health.

See our - Project Areas

Training and Technical Assistance

The Center is a full-service training and technical assistance provider on a variety of child welfare legal-related topics.