ETHICS 60 min Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE Lawyers in the Cross-Hairs: Essential Anti-Money Laundering Considerations for the Legal Profession [CC]
Publications | Book Clean Air Act Essentials, Third Edition By Roy S Belden and Angela R. Morrison For concise, specific information in an easy-to-use format, this Essentials resource is a practical starting point for answers to basic Clean Air Act questions.
Energy Bar Association The mission of the EBA is to promote the professional excellence and ethical integrity of its members in the practice, administration, and development of energy law, regulations, and policies by providing: superior educational programming, networking opportunities, and information resources.
Forum on Air & Space Law The Forum’s conferences and other activities serve as the one-stop shop for attorneys interested in all aspects of domestic and international air and space law, as well as regulatory issues arising from governmental entities such as FAA, DOT, NASA and EASA.